Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Dhu'3afaa', fuqaraa' wa azhillaa'

A'uzhibillahi mina shaitani rajim
Bismillahi rahmani rahim
Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin
Wassolatu wassalamu 'ala Rasulillah

Allahumma innaa dhu'3afaau faqawwiy fi ridhaaka dha3fanaa

Allahumma innaa fuqaraau fa aghninaa'

Allahumma innaa azhillaau fa a3izzanaa

Ya Qawiyy, Ya Ghaneey, Ya 3azeez...

dhu'3afaa', fuqaraa' wa azhillaa':: that is who we are, weak, poor, lowly creatures.

Weak poor lowly person who always falls short of our promises to Allah.

Weak poor lowly insan who always clings to the dirt of the earth when we can wear the feathers of taqwa and fly to our Rabb, al Qawiyy, al Ghaneey, al '3azeez.

Weak poor lowly men whom when called by Allah, to be opened the door of rahmah to us, we turn away and throw His call behind our backs, while He keeps giving and extending His hands.

Weak poor lowly clay sculptures whom when given goodness from al Rahman, we think it is because of our own due- and forget that we deserve it none: for we are in reality, Weak Poor Lowly.. weak poor lowly, weak poor lowly:: dhu'3afaa', fuqaraa' wa azhillaa'...

* 3=huruf 'ain
zh= huruf zhal
dh= huruf dhodd

*Arabic class tomorrow; ustadh Djafer suruh solat dulu before datang & hari Khamis takde kelas Arabic
*InshaAllah Khamis malam Rabu akan ada eclipse from 8 pm- 2 am
*Kalau dah baca cerita kat bawah ni, bolehlah bawak apa2 makanan 'non-perishable' + clothes (dan sewaktu dengannya) to the masjid and donate to the homeless dalam dan luar negara. Makanan akan diberikan pada yang memerlukan this weekend so kalau boleh bawaklah sblm Jumaat inshaAllah. I'm sure we have a lot of food lying around, in cans etc that we can give away =) inshaAllah.


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