Friday, December 10, 2004

What is the life of this world...

A'uzubillah mina shaitani rajim
Bismillahi rahmani rahim
Alhamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin
Wassolatu wassalamu 'ala rasulillah, wa 'ala aalihi wasohbihi wa man walah

Sharing a hadith related in the al Jawab al Kaafi class two weeks ago.

wa fi sahih Muslim (~ in sahih Muslim), the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wasallam said:

A person from the most prosperous of the dwellers of dunia who will be dipped for a short period of time (sibghatan: celupan, color ~al Baqarah: wa man ahsanu minaAllahi sibghah) in naar.
And it will be asked to him, "Have you ever witnessed something pleasing?/ Did delight ever cross you?"
"No, O my Lord!"

And a person from the most destitute in the world, will be dipped for a short period of time in jannah.
And the person will be asked, "Have you ever lived in hardship before?"
"Never, wallahi (o my Lord)!"


Secelup dalam neraka pun dah terlupa bahawa sepanjang hidup yang singkat di dunia tak pernah merasa kesusahan, kelaparan, kepayahan.. dan secelup dalam syurga sudah terlupa bahawa sepanjang hidup di dunia selalu menderita, kerja keras, berlapar, bersedih... so what is the life of this world?

Keep struggling, moga2 di akhirat kelak, tak perlu struggle langsung dan terlupa bahawa pernah hidup susah di dunia (kalau kita betul2 struggle that is..). May Allah make us of those who struggle in His way, amin.


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