Al Jawab Al Kaafi Kelas Hari Selasa Masjid Hidayah
Impact of sin in a collective level.
Hassan Al Basri once had said “ Verily Al Fitnah (discord in society) is sort of punishment from Allah…
But still in spite of all the glory and fame, today
When people disobey and done injustice against Allah, Allah will unleash someone that doesn’t know Him and no mercy at you-prophet Daniel
If any one of you( Muslim) done an injustice to the the zimmi ( non believer) I will be the prosecutor against you in the hereafter-marhum hadith
From this saying, when zunub is done in a collective level, Allah will select among them a leader that will inflict injustice as a punishment to them. The reason why Allah choose cruel leader are twofold
1) Only injustice ruler can execute cruelty to the people. A just ruler is not meant to be the cause to inflict injustice to his people
2) The act of injustice by the leader is itself is a cause for him to receive greater punishment in the hereafter.
To be continued