Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Malaysian Government cancels all new year celebrations

SUNGAI PETANI: The Government will cancel all celebrations to usher in the New Year and replace it with conduct prayer sessions to console those affected by the tsunami disaster.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said he had directed all the respective states to cancel all such celebrations.

"We are going through hard times now, with hundreds of people affected by the disaster," he said.

"There are many who have been rendered become homeless in one the biggest tragedies the country has encountered and this is not the time for us to be happy ushering in the New Year," he said.

He said people should instead, pray for the welfare of the affected victims.

"We need to pray so that God gives the affected victims strength patience to endure the hardship they are going through now," he said.

Abdullah said he wanted all mosques in the country to focus on prayers for those affected by the tidal waves at their Friday sermons tomorrow.

"We pray that the affected victims gather courage to accept the tragedy and find ways to go through the ordeal with the support from all quarters," he said at Kota Kuala Muda, near here, Wednesday.

"This should be our prayers during New Year's Eve. Non-Muslims can also conduct similar prayers."


For more, visit the star or any other Msian newspaper site.

Alhamdulillah, it is very heart lifting to know that there won't be all the haram things that usually happen every year, intentionally.

rabbana ghfirlana dhunubana wa liikhwanina alladhina sabaquuna bil iiman wa la taj'al fii quluubina ghillalli lladhina aamanu, rabbanaa, innaka rauufu rahiim.

MICHAEL: I Killed Thirty Children
Nov 06, 2004
Confessed By B. Michael. Published by Yediot Aharonot:
And Trans From Hebrew; Front Page Art By Ahmed Hussein

Between Sept 29 and Oct 15, fifteen days in all, I killed thirty children. Two children per day. Two dead children per day is more or less four bereaved parents per day. Why more or less? Because some of them were brothers. So, two dead children for one pair of bereaved parents. Perhaps that's better, because these parents are bereaved anyway, so they are just bereaved twice, and another pair of parents is released from being bereaved. But perhaps it is less good, because to be bereaved is worse than being dead, and being twice bereaved is twice worse than being dead. So I don't really know what to decide.

All these children I killed in the Gaza Strip, and all of them I killed by mistake. That is, I knew that there were children there, and I knew I would kill some of them, but since I knew it would be by mistake I did not feel so pressured about it. Because everybody makes mistakes. Only the one who does nothing does not make mistakes. Mistakes happen, we are all human beings. That is what I think is so nice about my mistakes, they make me so human and fallible, is it not so?

The 30 children I killed by all kind of mistakes. Each child with his special mistake. There was one about whom I thought by mistake that he was not a child. And there was one which I hit because he insisted on standing exactly on the spot at which I decided to shoot. And there was one who threw stones and did not at all look six years old. And there was one who from the air looked like a wanted terrorist. Or like a Qassam rocket. Or like a terrorist holding a Qassam rocket. And there were some children who by mistake got into their heads some of the shrapnel from the shell I shot into their house. And there was one who by mistake hid under her bed exactly when I blew up the bed in order to expel the terrorist squad which was hiding there. But this does not count, it was her mistake, not mine.

I remember it was the most hard with my first mistake. I shot and shot and shot, then they told me I had killed a child. I became pale, and my mouth was dry, and my knees were shaking, and in general I did not sleep very well that night. But with the passing of time, and of mistakes, it became much easier. Now I make mistakes with hardly any side-effects. It was very helpful that my friends, my environment, everybody, did not make so much fuss over every small mistake.

Here, just last week, when I killed by mistake one girl, I shot two more mistakes into her head, just to make sure that I was making a mistake. And then the rest of my magazine, full of mistakes. Once, I would not have been able to do that.

True, some people tell me that I am making a mistake in making this confession. They tell I have not been in Gaza at all, and did not shoot any bullet, and did not bomb, and did not shell, and did not snipe. That's true, I did not. But who paid for the bullets? Me. And who bought the gun? And financed the shell? And the missile? Me. Me. Me. Also me.

And also, who is not growing pale any more with every new mistake? Whose mouth is not getting dry when one more child is laid in the earth? Whose knees do not grow weak when another nameless baby lies dead in a bloody cradle? Who goes on sleeping soundly even when the number of mistakes reaches thirty in two weeks? Me. Also me. So, don't tell me I didn't kill.

Priceless, worthless values of Muslim lives. Do we care about them, or to put in better phrase: do we care abou the situation facing the ummah? Pray for them, for prayer is one of the weapons of Muslim.

O our Lord, pour patience down on us, and make our foothold firm, and help us against the disbelieving people. (Al BAQARAH: 250)

Thank you to Fahmi Ahmad Bahuri (my former schoolmate) for forwarding this article. May Allah bless you.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Hakikat wirid selepas solah


Isthigfar sebenarnye bertujuan utk mendapat keampunan kerana membuat kesalahan dalam solah. Sedar atau tidak, kita sebenarnya banyak melakukan perkara yang tidak sepatutnya dilakukan dalam solah. Contohnya mengingati perkara selain Allah. Cubalah kita fikir adakah perkara yang lebih baik dari Allah Azzawajallah untuk diingati ketika solah? Kadang-kadang kita terfikir kunci kita letaknya dimana, bagaimanakah grade kita dalam periksa dan sebagainya dalam solah. Walaupun sound funny for some people tetapi bila kita fikir balik satu soalan pasti akan muncul di hati kita " Aku comparekan Allah dengan kunci ?!". Malah apakah pula bezanya jika kita berkata-kata didalam hati dengan berkata-kata dimulut semasa solah disisi Allah.

Kalau kita mendengar org berkata-kata dalam solah, maka kita katakan dia biadap dan tak menghormati solah. Begitu juga kalau kita berkata-kata dalam hati apakah sebenarnya pandangan Allah terhadap kita? Pernah seorang abid berkata " Aku tahu bila Allah mengingati aku...yakni ketika aku mengingati Dia. Dari sini kita dapat rumuskan bahawa kalau dalam solah pun Allah 'tidak mahu mengingati kita" apakah sebenarnya kedudukan kita disisi Allah?Kadang-kadang kita melihat orang menguap dalam solah. Kita tentu dapat rasakan bahawa seorang cikgu tentu akan berasa sedih kalau anak muridnya menguap ketika dia sedang bersungguh-sungguh mengajar. Begitu juga dengan Allah. Sudahlah seharian kita lupakan Allah, dalam solah yang tak sampai 10 minit itu pun kita sanggup menjualnya utk perkara yang muhal lagi duniawi.

Hikmah disarankan kita mengucap isthigfar paling kurang tiga kali adalah disebabkan kecacatan dalam ungkapan itu sendiri. Dengan kata lain kita meminta ampun terhadap kalimah isthigfar itu sendiri. Kadang-kadang ungkapan itu tidak ikhlas dan tidak dalam hati. Oleh itu isthigfar yang ketiga itu adalah isthigfar utk yang pertama.

Kalimah tauhid selepas istigfar

Hadith fadilat lebih kurang marhumnya
Sesiapa membaca (kalimah tauhid tu selepas istigfar) sebanyak sepuluh kali, pahala yang hamba itu akan perolehi adalah seperti membebaskan hamba dari keturunan Ismail as. Bukankah itu sudah cukup kuat utk mendorong kita melakukan perkara itu?

Allahuma ajirna minnar

Sesiapa yang membaca kalimah ini , Neraka akan mendoakan agar hamba ini jauh darinya(Subhanallah). Neraka sendiri mendoakan utk kita.

Allahumaanta salam wamika salam..

Inilah doa utk keamanan dan kesejahteraan. Hidup ni tak selalunya bagus. Kadang-kadang aman kadang kadang kacau bilau. Semua orang pun ada masalah sendiri. Namun kalimah ini mengingatkan kita bahawa kesejahteraan dan keamanan datang dari Allah source of peace. Kita mendoakan agar kita tenang dalam menjalani hidup ini

SubhanaAllah 33 kali

Walaupun tak tahu betul ke idak cerita ini tapi nak cite jugak kot

1)Ketika Allah menjadikan Arasy (singgahsanaNya) malaikat yang memikul nya terase berat. Mereka mengadu kepada Allah. Kemudian Allah pun mengilhamkan supaya mereka membaca SubhanaAllah. Berkah kalimah itu Arasy itu menjadi ringan.

2)Kisah Puteri Rasulullah s. a. w. Yang Bernama Siti Fatimah r. a.
......Bukan Sayyidina Ali tidak mahu menyediakan seorang pembantu untuk isterinya tetapi sememangnya beliau tidak mampu berbuat demikian. Meskipun beliau cukup tahu isterinya saban hari bertungkus-lumus menguruskan anak-anak, memasak, membasuh dan menggiling tepung, dan yang lebih memenatkan lagi bila terpaksa mengandar air berbatu-batu jauhnya sehingga kelihatan tanda di bahu kiri dan kanannya. Suami mana yang tidak sayangkan isteri. Ada ketikanya bila Sayyidina Ali berada di rumah, beliau akan turut sama menyinsing lengan membantu Siti Fatimah menggiling tepung di dapur. "Terima kasih suamiku," bisik Fatimah pada suaminya. Usaha sekecil itu, di celah-celah kesibukan sudah cukup berkesan dalam membelai perasaan seorang isteri. Suatu hari, Rasulullah s. a. w. masuk ke rumah anaknya. Didapati puterinya yang berpakaian kasar itu sedang mengisar biji-biji gandum dalam linangan air mata. Fatimah segera mengesat air matanya tatkala menyedari kehadiran ayahanda kesayangannya itu. Lalu ditanya oleh baginda, "Wahai buah hatiku, apakah yang engkau tangiskan itu? Semoga Allah menggembirakanmu." Dalam nada sayu Fatimah berkata, "Wahai ayahanda, sesungguhnya anakmu ini terlalu penat kerana terpaksa mengisar gandum dan menguruskan segala urusan rumah seorang diri. Wahai ayahanda, kiranya tidak keberatan bolehkah ayahanda meminta suamiku menyediakan seorang pembantu untukku?" Baginda tersenyum seraya bangun mendapatkan kisaran tepung itu. Dengan lafaz Bismillah, Baginda meletakkan segenggam gandum ke dalam kisaran itu. Dengan izin Allah, maka berpusinglah kisaran itu dengan sendirinya. Hati Fatimah sangat terhibur dan merasa sangat gembira dengan hadiah istimewa dari ayahandanya itu. Habis semua gandumnya dikisar dan batu kisar itu tidak akan berhenti selagi tidak ada arahan untuk berhenti, sehinggalah Rasulullah s. a. w. menghentikannya. Berkata Rasulullah s. a. w. dengan kata-kata yang masyhur, "Wahai Fatimah, Gunung Uhud pernah ditawarkan kepadaku untuk menjadi emas, namun ayahanda memilih untuk keluarga kita kesenangan di akhirat." Jelas, Baginda Rasul mahu mendidik puterinya bahawa kesusahan bukanlah penghalang untuk menjadi solehah. Ayahanda yang penyayang terus merenung puterinya dengan pandangan kasih sayang, "Puteriku, mahukah engkau kuajarkan sesuatu yang lebih baik daripada apa yang kau pinta itu?" "Tentu sekali ya Rasulullah," jawab Siti Fatimah kegirangan. Rasulullah s. a. w. bersabda, "Jibril telah mengajarku beberapa kalimah. Setiap kali selesai sembahyang, hendaklah membaca 'Subhanallah' sepuluh kali, Alhamdulillah' sepuluh kali dan 'Allahu Akbar' sepuluh kali. Kemudian ketika hendak tidur baca 'Subhanallah', 'Alhamdulillah' dan 'Allahu Akbar' ini sebanyak tiga puluh tiga kali.".....

Cuba kaitkan cerita 1 dengan cerita 2 Kat sini kita leh rumuskan bahawa

1) SubhanAllah memberi kita kekuatan dalaman utk menempuh hidup ini
-Dengan SubhanAllah malaikah berupaya memikul Arasy
-Dengan SubhanAllah ia lebih utama dari seorang hamba

insyAllah bersambung..

p/s actually cite pasal Fatimah tu sedih jugak sebenarnye..

Saturday, December 11, 2004

wa assaabiquun as saabiquun

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah

A note on the Fundraising dinner for the masjid tomorrow at the Alumni House, I think most of us have heard of the importance of building masjid and how much pahala and goodness akan dapat dari menderma utk bina masjid, so I won't repeat any of that. The program tomorrow is scheduled to be quite long, but from a past fundraising dinner I went to before, people are free to come and leave.

I hope that we'll see each other tomorrow, for one of the greatest matter in usrah is to help each other in being better people.

It doesn't really matter how much we give, but it matters *a whole lot* how sincere we are in giving. Those who have a lot of money can give more, while others who have less can give however much she can afford.

One of the stories that Imam Djafer told today during the khutbah was about how last week (or the week before), they talked about giving, and after the Jum'ah prayer, a young brother came up to him and offered a check. The young man said " I don't have a lot of money but I have read surah al waqiah and the ayah wassabiquun assaabiquun.. (those who are foremost (in faith and doing good), are foremost (in akhirah)) and I want to be one of the saabiquun so here is my check." maksudnya, right after dia dengar khutbah utk buat something good, terus dia bergegas utk do what he was advised to do.

I have read al waqiah many times, and i'm sure some of you have also read it more than once. Tp tak pernah pulak terfikir nak buat camtu :). Also, one of the nice memories I had from the past fundraiser I went to is how a person I know pledged to donated sooo much, and I know she doesn't make or have that much money. But she wanted to give and become one of the foremost people in akhirah, so she gave her best.

Semoga Allah juga beri kita peluang dan kekuatan utk jadi yang terbaik di dunia dan akhirat :) amin.

OK, that's it from me for today. Sorry for the long email :D. ganti usrah :)

* part of email. afwan, dah agak terlambat sbnrnya, tp sblm ni cadang nak post ni so kalau sesiapa nak emailkan pada group usrah boleh. still ada 15 mins before the fundraising dinner inshaAllah :).

Wedding :)

Assalamualaikum wrmh & salam sejahtera,

Alkisah patik telah dilantik utk membuat pengumuman ini buat semua warga SPCD. J InsyaAllah tomorrow, December 11, 2004 bersamaan 28 Syawal 1425, our dear friend, Nur Akmar Naim akan diijabkabulkan dengan saudara Sam Diep @ Uthman Haneef (a local muslim at Troy). Utk pengetahuan semua, majlis aqad akan berlangsung di Masjid Al-Hidaya at 15th Street pada jam 1 tengah hari. J

All are invited to attend. However, please be informed that the reception a.k.a walimah will not be held tomorrow. This event will be announced at a later date, SOON insyaAllah (yes, in TROY!!). J So if you wanna watch our dear Atem officially become a ‘wife’ tomorrow, please do not hesitate to come and share this joyful and insyaAllah blessed event (AND marriage) with the couple and their families. Sekian..


Yang menyampaikan,

Nadiah Muhamad Noor.

*Khas utk ukht Atem, our dear sister and pengasas, and her new husband: barakallahu laka wa baraka 'alaik, wa jama'a bainakuma fi khair (the best du'a that can be said for the new bride, from all of us! :))

Friday, December 10, 2004

What is the life of this world...

A'uzubillah mina shaitani rajim
Bismillahi rahmani rahim
Alhamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin
Wassolatu wassalamu 'ala rasulillah, wa 'ala aalihi wasohbihi wa man walah

Sharing a hadith related in the al Jawab al Kaafi class two weeks ago.

wa fi sahih Muslim (~ in sahih Muslim), the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wasallam said:

A person from the most prosperous of the dwellers of dunia who will be dipped for a short period of time (sibghatan: celupan, color ~al Baqarah: wa man ahsanu minaAllahi sibghah) in naar.
And it will be asked to him, "Have you ever witnessed something pleasing?/ Did delight ever cross you?"
"No, O my Lord!"

And a person from the most destitute in the world, will be dipped for a short period of time in jannah.
And the person will be asked, "Have you ever lived in hardship before?"
"Never, wallahi (o my Lord)!"


Secelup dalam neraka pun dah terlupa bahawa sepanjang hidup yang singkat di dunia tak pernah merasa kesusahan, kelaparan, kepayahan.. dan secelup dalam syurga sudah terlupa bahawa sepanjang hidup di dunia selalu menderita, kerja keras, berlapar, bersedih... so what is the life of this world?

Keep struggling, moga2 di akhirat kelak, tak perlu struggle langsung dan terlupa bahawa pernah hidup susah di dunia (kalau kita betul2 struggle that is..). May Allah make us of those who struggle in His way, amin.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,

Perlumbaan Manusia adalah dalam Agama

Semua orang kat dunia ni dilahirkan dalam keadaan yang berbeza-beza. Ade yang dilahirkan sempurna ade pulak yang dilahirkan cacat anggota badan. Ade pulak tu yang lahir dalam keadaan yang kaya dan ade pulak yang miskin melarat. Pendek kate semua orang berbezalah dari yang lain.

Ramai orang berlumba-lumba nak jadi kaya. Sebabnya orang kaya dipandang tinggi oleh masyarakat sebagai orang yang mulia. Ramai orang juga berlumba-lumba nak jadi pandai. Sebabnya orang pandai dipandang mulia oleh masyarakat sebagai orang yang mulia. Tapi bagaimana pulak makcik makcik yang menjual kuih, pakcik-pakcik yang dok angkut sampah, penjaga zoo, drebar bas, pembawa beca (teringat lawatan gi melaka ) dan jaga sekolah? Agak-agaknya sape la diorang disisi masyarakat kalau masyarakat menilai orang dari segi kaya dan pandai..

Logiknya kalau nak berlumba, perkara yang dilumbakan tu mestilah same supaya perlumbaan itu adil. Ala cuba ingat mase kite kecik-kecik dulu.. mase main lumba-lumba ngan kawan2. Bile kawan kite start dulu kite pun mencemuh " we mane aci hang start dulu. ni yang aku maleh kawan ngan hang ni". So bende yang nak dilumba kene la sama. Dari sini cuba kite pikir (walaupun kita dah tahu tapi just for the sake of argument) ape bende yang Allah kasi kat hamba die yang hamba lain pun dapat benda jugak benda tu? Adakah perlumbaan itu diletak pada kekayaan,paras rupa, kepandaian,status,strata, fame dan sebagainya?

Dengan agama semua orang adalah sama. Kita diberi hati yang same utk dicultivate dengan iman. Sapa yang banyak beramal dialah yang mulia disisi Allah. Drebar bas leh kawan ngan ceo, Ceo leh beli kuih dari makcik jual kuih tanpa rase segan dan sebagainya. Jaga sekolah akan manis dipandang walaupun garang. Sebab nilai kemuliaan hanya diletak disisi agama. Zaman Rasullulah adalah bukti yang paling kuat.Leh ke kite imagine betapa cantiknye perlumbaan ini?

Event:  Masjid Al-Hidaya Fundraising Dinner

Date:  12/11/04 


Date: Sat., Dec. 11, 4:30pm-11:30pm
Venue: Heffner Alumni House

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


after the al Jawab al Kaafi class...

...after I took my boots off, and looked at its bottom, what else did I find but the foam from the rain. The foam, like me, stuck on the bottom of a boot. The foam that is big, everywhere, but carries filth and is flimsy, empty, superficial.


would someone else like to share some of the other hadiths and reflections from the class?

Sunday, December 05, 2004

in the background of explosions

a'uzbillahi mina shaitani rajim
bismillahi rahmani rahim

isn't it weird how humans enjoy fireworks, when if we took away the images and left only the sounds, it sounds exactly like bombs exploding.

sitting in the computer lab and hearing explosions in the background, and not sure where they are coming from, it seems sometimes we are slow to fear. when at any given time, *any given time*, it could be Allah's wrath upon us because of our iniquities. one of the past people that were destroyed, when they saw the clouds that were destined to bring the azab upon them, rejoiced. they thought the clouds were going to bring them rain but the clouds actually destroyed them all. it is so easy to forget how much mistakes we have committed and think everything that happens is a 'reward'. Allahu'alam.

o Allah please have mercy on us. we are truly weak and prone to mistakes, please help us purify and rectify our selves.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah

*Some usrah stuff*

Please leave a comment regarding these two things:
syllabus dah sampai mana?
- dah sampai module number brapa and predicting sampai mana by the end of this sem

when does your usrah group meet?
- so that if any of us wants to drop by and join another group's usrah. this way, everyone knows when all the groups meet. haritu dah kasi email about how it would be beneficial to both sides for us to visit other usrah groups so harap2 dengan ter'siar'nya masa2 usrah ni, dapat memudahkan utk kita visit other groups inshaAllah.

*also, when you leave the comment, please remember to state which group you are in/handle. no use leaving a time without us knowing which group it is :)

Kenapa leave a comment on the site instead of hantar email?
1. so that everyone can see it (by everyone I mean all the usrah groups and members etc). email is more private and audience specific
2. meng-activekan and trying to put it to full use inshaAllah

If you need an invitation (or re-invitation) to join, please email me :).

Jazakumullahu khairal jazaa'

In the rubble of Falluja
Nermeen Al-Mufti accompanies a relief convoy into the city of untold stories and unbearable pain

News from Falluja has been scarce and one-sided. Even the photos are censored. The access road to the city is still closed. The only people allowed in are those working with the Iraqi Red Crescent (RC).

I am at the RC information office in Baghdad, waiting to travel to Falluja with an RC convoy. An old man walks in and takes a picture of a young man from his pocket. It is his son, Raad Maoloud. The father thinks he has been killed in Falluja, and he wants to know if the Red Crescent has come across his body or buried it. Another man walks in with photos of a son and two brothers, asking similar questions.

I remember Umm Omar, my neighbour, who still carries the picture of Omar, her son, who went missing in 1983, during the war with Iran. My reverie is interrupted by the voice of Haytham Said, a volunteer, announcing that RC teams have evacuated 275 bodies which are now preserved in refrigerators. The photos will be of little help. Most of the bodies are decomposed and the families have to try and remember the clothes their relatives were wearing.

According to well-informed sources, 600 bodies or so are still lying under the rubble in Falluja. Others have been dismembered by dogs, thrown in the river, or completely decomposed. Most buildings and markets have been destroyed. The city has no electricity, drinking water, telephone service, or sewage network.

Our trip begins at 9am. The man leading the mission, RC chief Dr Said Hiqqi, tells me that the RC is trying to supply the people with the basic necessities. They have set up Crescent House as a hostel for the displaced and the homeless, and they are evacuating women, children, and old people who wish to leave the city, and moving patients to hospitals. The RC entered Falluja only a few days ago. Since then, it has evacuated 17 women and children, and more are to follow.

Within less than half an hour, our convoy arrives at a US checkpoint near the Abu Ghraib prison, now infamous as a US base and detention facility. Dozens of floodlights are still on, even though it's broad daylight. And this, at a time when Baghdad is under electricity rationing (two hours on, six hours off). Our convoy consists of 33 employees and volunteers, six ambulances, and a relief truck, the latter carrying supplies and drinking water. The vehicles are clearly marked with the RC flag.

I don't expect the convoy to be stopped, as it bears the flag of a neutral international organisation. But instead we do stop, for a long time. Permits have to be obtained. The convoy vehicles and passengers are searched. Then we wait some more. A truck arrives carrying bedding, food, and a sign reading "Relief to Falluja the steadfast". The truck is turned back.

Two hours into the waiting, three mortar shells, perhaps meant for the prison, land near us in the dust. Another hour passes, then finally permission is given and the convoy begins to move. In the past, the journey from Baghdad to Falluja used to take 45 minutes. We have an escort of Marine military vehicles. They keep their distance from the convoy in order to reduce the likelihood of our cars being attacked.

Arriving at the outskirts of Falluja, we are greeted by columns of smoke and a checkpoint manned jointly by the Iraqi National Guard and the Marines. A National Guard soldier tells us that Falluja is calm and that the smoke and the explosions we can hear are due to the detonation of the immense quantities of ammunition seized in the city. In the background, I can make out light arms fire. No one comments on it.

On our right is the Askari district with its fancy villas now in ruins. A nearby mosque has lost one of its minarets, and another is peppered with shellfire. On our left is the industrial area, its workshops all burnt out or demolished.

We are waiting again. It is time for prayers, but I hear no call to prayer. Normal life has come to a standstill. Only 10,000 people remain in Falluja out of a total of 650,000 inhabitants. Two hours later, we move on, past the empty shells of houses in the districts of Al-Dubbat Al-Oula, Al-Dubbat Al-Thaniya, and Al-Shurta. The doors all stand open, on orders from the Marines. Children's toys and bicycles litter the empty parks, where the unused swings sway in the wind.

We pass the Al-Hadra Al- Mohamadiya Mosque, which is now a US detention facility. More ruined mosques. In the deserted streets, abandoned passenger cars are redeployed as roadblocks.

Finally, we arrive at Crescent House, a magnificent structure that was originally the home of Khalaf Shadid, a local merchant who has fled the city with his family. Shadid's son, an RC volunteer, stayed behind and turned the home into a refugee safe house after the shelling had stopped.

There, I meet Haj Fouad Al-Kebeisi, 54. He now works as a volunteer with the RC, burying the dead. Al-Kebeisi tells me how Haj Radif Abdel-Wahed, 90, the oldest merchant in Falluja, died. Abdel-Wahed was in the yard doing his ablutions before prayers when a sniper bullet hit him. His children buried him in the garden.

I run into Haj Mahmoud, accompanied by his wife and six surviving children. Mahmoud's 13-year- old son, Mostafa, was killed by shrapnel. The family's house was burned down. Having lost all their possessions -- cars, jewellery, money, furniture -- they took refuge in the one remaining room of their otherwise destroyed home. The mother says that during Ramadan she would soak rice in a little water and the family would eat it for iftar. The day their house was hit, they ate nothing for 24 hours.

Haj Mahmoud says that they did not leave the city because they thought that the fighting would be confined to the outskirts, as it was last April. They did not expect the whole city to be shelled and destroyed. The Americans, he assures me, want to punish the city for not welcoming them. Zarqawi was only a pretext, Mahmoud says.

Mahmoud's daughter Fatema, 16, a student at the Teachers Institute, says that she used to have big dreams. Now all she wants is to be a normal person once again, to live without fear. The family's youngest son Abdel-Gabbar, aged three, has been traumatised by the shelling, and still runs to his mother's arms whenever he hears a loud noise, even if it is just a door slamming. Aisha, 14, misses her younger brother and says she cannot forget the sight of him lying dead in front of the house.

The whole city is calm. So calm, it is disturbing. Falluja today is a city of untold stories and unspeakable pain. The only electricity in the whole town is that produced by the generator at Crescent House.


baru terbaca another article on of how an American soldier shot an Iraqi in his head, in a mosque in Fallujah. Apparantly someone had buried a camera and it was video recorded. News agencies in UK aired a still shot of the murder, they said the whole video was too gruesome to air.

[unfortunately] this happens all the time. do we need a video to always wake us up? soldiers, non-soldiers are killing innocent people *everyday*. The sanctity and worth of human life is zero to most who commit acts like this. Especially when they are told to "build things up and blow things up," and be emotionless, putting on their "game face"*.

Do we really think all this is a game? And that shooting real flesh and blood is just like shooting the digital animation enemy on our computer screens?

* quoted from:

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Membaca dan menghayati Al Quran

Berkata Hassan Al Basri rahimahullah. Orang-orang yang terdahulu dari kamu menggangap lembaran lembaran Al Quran sebagai surat-surat yang dikirimkan oleh Allah kepada mereka, maka mereka pun cuba meneliti diwaktu malam supaya dapat ia dilaksanakan diwaktu siang

Berkata Abu Zar Sekali peristiwa Rasullullah Sollolahualaihiwasalam bangun malam untuk bersembahyang bersama-sama kita disebabkan ayat-ayat berikut seraya menangis apabila membaca ayat ini

Firman Allah Azzawajallah

Kiranya Engkau menyiksa mereka itu, maka mereka adalah hamba-hambaMu, jika Engkau mengampuni mereka, maka sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa dan Bijaksana (Al Maidah 118)


1)Orang-orang terdahulu benar-benar memahami maksud dan ayat dari AlQuran kerana

a) Mereka mengenal Allah dengan pengenalan yang dalam (Makrifatullah)
b) Setelah itu Mereka yakin bahawa Al Quran adalah kalam Allah

2)mereka' dalam ayat diatas merujuk kepada ummah Nabi dimana kita dapat lihat betapa cintanya baginda kepada ummahnya. Setiap malam dan setiap masa mengingati ummahnya. Timbul satu persoalan pernahkah kita sebagai ummah menangis walau seketika kerana cintakan baginda?

moga Allah golongkan kita dalam orang yang mencintai Al Quran.. ameen