Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Asma ahl Badr

assalamualaikum warhmatullah

After searching for such a long time, finally I managed to find the list of the name of people who participated in Ghazwatul Badar. It's all started when Imam Djafer told that somebody was asking him to list down the names of Asma Ahl Badr so that he can make a caligraphy out of them. The reason why I think we Muslim should know them by heart is simply because they were the one described as the best people in Islamic history. In fact the group of angels unleashed by Allah in that Ghazwah was also known as the best angel among the angel of Allah. When I first went through it, sooner then I realized that most of the names were unheard before. Some Fuqahak estimate that there were at least 124000 sahabah and sahabiah during the life of Rasullulah Saw. If I were to remember 313 names of Asma Ahl Badr, there is still 123687 names remaining. And how about their story? I guess it is a long way run...but at least become accustomed by their name would probably a good starter.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Suatu hari, ayah dari suatu keluarga yang sangat sejahtera membawa anaknya melawat ke sebuah negara yang sebahagian besar penduduknya hidup dari hasil pertanian, dengan niat untuk menunjukkan bagaimana kehidupan orang-orang yang miskin kepada anaknya.

Mereka menghabiskan waktu seharian di sebuah tanah pertanian milik keluarga yang kelihatan sangat miskin. Apabila pulang dari perjalanan tersebut, sang ayah bertanya kepada

"Bagaimana perjalanan tadi?"
"Sungguh luar biasa, Pa."
"Kamu lihat kan bagaimana kehidupan mereka yang miskin?"tanya sang ayah.
"Iya, Pa," jawabnya.
"Jadi, apa yang dapat kamu pelajari dari perjalanan ini?" tanya ayahnya lagi.

Si anak menjawab,

"Saya melihat kenyataan bahawa kita mempunyai seekor haiwan peliharaan sedangkan mereka memiliki empat ekor.

Kita miliki sebuah kolam yang panjangnya hanya sampai ke tengah-tengah taman, sedangkan mereka memiliki sungai kecil yang tak terhingga panjangnya.

Kita memasang lampu taman yang dibeli dari luar negeri dan mereka memiliki bintang-bintang di langit untuk menerangi taman mereka.

Beranda rumah kita begitu lebar mencapai halaman depan dan milik mereka seluas horizon.

Kita tinggal dan hidup di tanah yang sempit sedangkan mereka mempunyai tanah sejauh mata memandang.

Kita memiliki pelayan yang melayani setiap keperluan kita tetapi mereka melayani diri mereka sendiri.

Kita membeli makanan yang akan kita makan,tetapi mereka menanam sendiri.

Kita mempunyai dinding indah yang melindungi diri kita dan mereka memiliki teman-teman untuk menjaga kehidupan mereka."

Dengan cerita tersebut, sang ayah tidak dapat berkata apa-apa.

Kemudian si anak menambah,

"Terima kasih, Pa, akhirnya saya tahu betapa miskinnya diri kita."

Monday, February 14, 2005


Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah,

InshaAllah everyone is doing well and remembering one another in your du`aa...

Below is a message from Sr. Haifaa and the St. Louis retreat crew concerning the upcoming retreat. If youre interested, there is an attached application as well as a flyer. The dates on the flyer are not exactly the same dates as in Sr. Haifaa's email, so if youre interested, ask her about that inshaAllah. Do keep in mind the deadlines on the application for payment and so on. Sr. Haifaa, if there are any changes, please notify us. Jazaki Allahu khairan.

Also, please note, that as soon as all of the necessary information concerning the June Adirondacks retreat is finalized and obtained, we will email everyone and begin advertising. Until then, please be patient inshaAllah, may Allah have mercy on us all.

I apologize to those who received this twice.

Jazakum Allahu khairan
wassalamu alaikum


Assalamu'alaikum All;

The annual saint lous retreat will be held this year insha Allah in the same pere Marqutte park, from Sunday March 27th-till April 2nd.

Attach find the application form : Flyer||Application

Also please spread the word and feel free to give the application

The topics will be finalised insha Allah once Sheik Mokhtar return from hajj in 10 days


Saturday, February 12, 2005

Pengisian Bulanan

Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullah,
Sahabat-sahabat, ikhwah, dan akhawat yang dikasihi fillah.
Semoga dalam keadaan sihat, kestabilan iman dan ketinggian amal.

InshaAllah kita akan adakan pengisian teleconference setiap bulan oleh ustaz yang tidak asing lagi bagi kita iaitu Ustaz Joban daripada IMSA (Indonesian Muslim Student Association). Sahabat-sahabat semua dijemput untuk mendengar pengisian teleconference bulanan melalui Yahoo Messenger pada kali ini.

Maklumat bagi pengisian teleconference pada bulan Februari kali ini adalah seperti berikut:

Masa: 9.00 am (US Central Time) / 11.00 pm (Malaysian Time)
Tarikh: Ahad, 13 Februari 2005
Penyampai: Ustaz M Joban
Yahoo ID: misgvandy

Sila add/message Yahoo ID tersebut untuk diinvite ke dalam yahoo conference nanti. Bagi sesiapa yang belum mendownload Yahoo Messenger, bolehlah mendownload di .

InshaAllah Ustaz Joban telah bersetuju untuk menjadi murabbi tetap kita setiap bulan bagi pengisian bulanan tersebut. Sahabat-sahabat digalakkan agar mengajukan soalan dan pandangan kepada ustaz agar objektif mendalami dan memahami ilmu dapat dicapai inshaAllah.

Terima kasih kerana sudi meluangkan masa. Semoga input yang didapati nanti dapat membuahkan amal dan dapat menjadi bekalan dan panduan kita dalam menyeru manusia kepada Allah.

Allahu a’lam.
Jazaakum Allahu khayran katheera.


Saiful Islam Kamarudin
Vanderbilt University

Friday, February 11, 2005

Hadith #20 --------- (PartII)

continued from part I


There are two aspects of haya' : Natural haya' and acquired haya'. The later is attained as a result of knowing and realizing the Glory of Allah and His attributes.

* * *

There are many manifestations of haya' as mentioned by Ustaz Jamaludin Zarabozo in his commentaries on the Forty Hadith:

  • Having haya' towards Allah - a Muslim should feel ashamed to have Allah see him doing - or hear him saying - something that displeases Allah, especially when that Muslim is alone and out of the view of humankind.
  • Haya' towards the angels - as they are noble and dignified creatures who witness the acts performed by humans.
  • Haya' towards other humans - an essential characteristic that keeps people from harming one another and from performing indecent acts.
  • Haya' towards the person him/herself - a person should be ashamed of him/herself when he/she performs acts that are shameful. If he/she notices that his/her haya' level is low he/she should improve it by remembrance of Allah, getting closer to Him, and fearing Him.

* * *

This great concept of haya' or modesty should be promoted through all possible means and at all levels and by everyone: educators, teachers, lecturers, parents, and du'at (preachers). It is unfortunate that today, and because of technology misuse, this great concept is threatened. Hence there is greater responsibility for the Muslim du'at, parents, educators, etc. to shoulder. The evildoers are promoting anything that distorts and corrupts haya'. Those people are taking advantage of the system where technology advancement is double sided. It is positive and beneficial on one hand, but it can be negative and destructive on the other. Muslims should learn, master and use Information Technology (IT) positively to promote what is good and beneficial. By mastering IT they should make deliberate efforts to be in control of it and minimize its negative destructive side such as by designing and producing filtering softwares.

The same thing can be said about the media, where it is entertainment oriented. Entertainment is taking new destructive directions which negatively affect the concept of haya' a great deal. If haya' is distorted, iman (faith) can be distorted too. The chances of committing sins and evil will be higher, and the chances of delaying or neglecting obligations will be higher as well. Even chances of committing crimes will be higher due to these new directions of entertainment, where crime, drug addiction, distrustful acts, and adultery are all looked at as means of entertainment. Semi naked bodies, songs that promote evil, etc. are aspects of new entertainment. Unfortunately, we Muslims borrow media material from the West without any kind of evaluation, filtering or classification. More instructions and guidelines are needed from media organisers regarding the nature of movies and TV. There should be programs for families' awareness.

* * *

Haya' can sometimes be abused as a justification for not doing something or giving up an obligatory act. For example, being silent or passive in the presence of falsehood or oppression for no reason except claiming haya'. Or using haya' as an excuse for not encouraging good or discouraging evil. Unless, for both of teh above mentioned cases, there is another good reason for not doing these acts such as considering the most likely expected harmful consequences.

Another example of abusing haya' is to use it as an excuse for not seeking knowledge. In many Muslim cultures this matter is confused and misunderstood where there is a proverb or cliché that says: "There is no modesty in asking questions in religious matters". But this cliché is only practiced in a few certain sensitive issues. However when it comes to seeking knowledge in a classroom, the situation is different. Most Muslims become shy and use modesty as an excuse. Parents at home, teachers at school, even lecturers at Universities add to the problem where they may treat asking questions as a sign of not being modest. This attitude needs to be changed to the right, positive one.

Another example is using haya' as an excuse for not doing what is correct and allowed. You know that something should be done and it is good and allowed or is even a recommended or obligatory act. However, you simply give up and do not do it because of a claimed haya'. Not giving sadaqah (charity) to a needy in front of others, not taking away a harmful material from the street or the path of the Muslims, or not helping or giving a hand to a disabled or an elderly person to cross the street are some good examples of this phenomenon.


Haya' or modesty is a great Islamic concept that leads to goodness and keeps a Muslim away from doing a bad or indecent act when its level is maximized. Treating bad actions, as shown by revelation, as evil acts and feeling ashamed of Allah to do it and ashamed of the community, are ways of acquiring haya'. Iman and haya' are linked. When there is iman, there is haya', and vice versa. All of us are borne with natural haya'. However it is subject to be spoiled due to environment and dominating ideologies. Technology misuse has its negative and destructive impact on haya'. Muslims need to be aware of such challenges and exert their effort to overcome them. Haya' cannot be used as an excuse for not doing good deeds and acts.

may allah grant us the strength and emaan to practice what he ordered us to do. first to my very own self

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Hadith #20 --------- (PartI)
The concept of Al-Haya' (modesty)

Abu Mas'ud 'Uqbah bin 'Amr al-Ansari al-Badri, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said:

"Among the things that people have found from the words of the previous prophets was: 'If you feel no shame, then do as you wish.'"


* * * * *


Haya' can be translated as: modesty, shame, shyness or bashfulness, as pointed by Ustaz Jamaludin Zarabozo.
The word haya' is derived from the word "al-hayah", which means life, as if the person who has no haya' (modesty) is like a dead person.

Islam encourages and treasures al-haya' or modesty. It is one of the most important characteristics that each and every Muslim should acquire and posses.

The following are some hadiths which emphasize this great quality:

"Haya' (modesty) and Iman (faith) are two that go together. If one is lifted, the other is also lifted."
[Recorded by al-Hakim]

"Al-Haya' is part of Iman."
"Haya' does not produce but goodness."
[Recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Possible interpretations of the text

Due to the form of the text, it may be interpreted in many possible meaningful ways. Imam Ibnu Rajab pointed out two interpretations of the text according to early scholars:

First interpretation: If you have no modesty, then do whatever you wish and Allah will punish you for what you do.

This mode of expression is well known in the Arabic language, and it is used for threatening someone. This mode is used by the Qur'an in Surah Fussilat: ayat 40.

Second interpretation: If you are contemplating an act and it is an act such that there is no reason to be ashamed of doing it before Allah or the people, then you may do that act.

Modesty is used as a criterion over whether or not to do a certain act. The command here is in the form of displaying permission.

However, there is a valid third interpretation given by Ibnu al-Qayyam who is a scholar from the eighth Hijrah century. He is in the view that the command is not what is meant by this statement. Instead, it is a statement of fact. The meaning is: If a person does not have any modesty, then there is nothing to prevent him/her from doing anything.

Haya' is one of the most important factors that keeps a person from committing a sinful act. If a person has no haya', he/she will do almost anything.

(to be continued in part II)

Source :

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Biasanya ketika Israk Mikraj , ceramah-ceramah kat majis selalunye berkisar kepada Israk Mikraj. Satu hari tu aku pegilah satu ceramah berdekatan dengan tempat kediaman. Sebab selalunya ade more ngan makan-makan. Ustaz tu memang femes kat situ. Dalam ceramah tu kadang-kadang diselitkan dengan jenaka yang menghiburkan hati. Tu yang syok gi ceramah dia. Teringat aku ketika die menyampaikan ceramah pasal Israk Mikraj ustaz tu ade mention pasal perintah solat dan bagaimana solah itu diturunkan direct to Rasullulah Saw. Tetiba je ade satu mamat yang hadir same di majlis itu mengangkat tangan seraya bertanya

" Heheh ustaz-ustaz kalau la Nabi Muhammad Saw naik lagi sekali, tentu kita dah takyah semayang kan, sebab sekali Baginda naik solah dikurangkan lima. Kalau naik sekali lagi sure takde perintah solah kan," begitulah lebih kurang soalan yang ditanye mamat tu. Dengan tersengih-sengih dia pun ketawa diikuti dengan hilai tawa pakcik pakcik ngan budak budak kecik yang sememangnya dari tadi membuat bising. Ada yang sampai terbatuk2 . Aku pun turut serta ketawa. Ala walaupun lawak ni banyak kali aku dah dengar tapi bak kate orang evergreen.

Tetiba ustaz tu berkata

" Sebenarnya perintah solah ni kite kene tengok berlainan sikit" Hadirin kat sana mula menumpukan perhatian.Aku menjenguk-jenguk utk melihat reaksi ustaz. Ape ke hal ni? Disebalik ayat-ayat itu ada satu keseriusan, cukup kuat mematikan suasana girang sebelum ini. Hening..

" Allah menurunkan perintah solah kerana Dia mahu menemui hambaNya. Ingin diberinya rahmah, kasih sayang dan rezeki kepada hambaNya. Para Nabi Allah 'diajak' menemui Tuhannya bukan 50 kali tapi beratus ratus kali kerana rindu dan kasih sayang Tuhan kepada hambaNya itu. Kita tidak boleh mengatakan yang kita yang mahu bersolah tapi sebenarnya atas taufiq dan inayahNya. Nah sekarang bagitau saya berapa kali Allah menemui kita sehari. Malah adakan Allah mahu menemui kita betul-betul pada waktunya atau kita 'disengaja lewatkan utk tidak mengerjakannya."

Aku terus menelan air liur. Satu-persatu perkataan cukup sinis bak pisau pemotong daging.

"Kadang-kadang kita beranggapan kerja dan aktiviti kita menghalang kita dari menunaikan solah dengan sempurna. Tetapi pernah kah kita memikirkan sebenarnya Allahlah yang menyibukkan kita dengan kerja itu agar kita takkan menemuiNya?"

" Pakcik-pakcik dan anak-anak sekelian. Rama-rama akan tertarik dengan bunga. Lalat pula akan tertarik dengan benda yang kotor. Pernahkah kita memikirkan kenapa kita tidak khusyuk dalam solah? Ya memang kerana syaitan yang mengganggu. Apa sebenarnya yang menarik syaitan kepada kita. Jawapan nya dosa yang lebih kotor dari kotoran dunia yang ada didalam hati. Mudah sahaja. Tidak khusyuk jawabnya, dosa masih dihati. Itulah penting wuduq"

Aku rase mase tu semua orang senyap. Mamat yang bertanya tadi teruih tunduk kepala. Kalau aku pun aku dah lame menyorokkan diri kat mane mane ceruk yang termampu aku pergi.

" Pakcik2, kita secara paksa dan sukarela kene semyang. Kalau tak semayang nanti orang kate ape pulak. Tapi pernahkah kita rasa kemanisan sembahyang selama ini. Kalau tak manis takkan selepas ini kita nak 'sengsara' menunaikan benda yang kita takde peroleh langsung manfaatnya. Kalau saya berumur 30 tahun dan saya akan mati pada 60 tahun takkan saya nak semayang dengan keadaan begini 30 tahun selepas ini?

Lepas abih ceramah tu aku terus beredar tanpa menjamah makanan pun. Tah takde mood kot.