Sinar Kasih Rabbani~
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Pesan imam Ghazali pada anaknya
Hai anak! Hiduplah sebagaimana yang engkau sukai, tapi ingat
bahawasanya engkau akan mati. Cintailah siapa yang engkau sukai, tapi
jangan lupa bahawa engkau akan berpisah dengannya, buatlah apa yang
engkau kehendaki, tapi ketahuilah bahawa engkau akan menerima balasan
yang setimpal dengannya.
Dhu'3afaa', fuqaraa' wa azhillaa'
A'uzhibillahi mina shaitani rajim
Bismillahi rahmani rahim
Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin
Wassolatu wassalamu 'ala Rasulillah
Allahumma innaa dhu'3afaau faqawwiy fi ridhaaka dha3fanaa
Allahumma innaa fuqaraau fa aghninaa'
Allahumma innaa azhillaau fa a3izzanaa
Ya Qawiyy, Ya Ghaneey, Ya 3azeez...
dhu'3afaa', fuqaraa' wa azhillaa':: that is who we are, weak, poor, lowly creatures.
Weak poor lowly person who always falls short of our promises to Allah.
Weak poor lowly insan who always clings to the dirt of the earth when we can wear the feathers of taqwa and fly to our Rabb, al Qawiyy, al Ghaneey, al '3azeez.
Weak poor lowly men whom when called by Allah, to be opened the door of rahmah to us, we turn away and throw His call behind our backs, while He keeps giving and extending His hands.
Weak poor lowly clay sculptures whom when given goodness from al Rahman, we think it is because of our own due- and forget that we deserve it none: for we are in reality, Weak Poor Lowly.. weak poor lowly, weak poor lowly:: dhu'3afaa', fuqaraa' wa azhillaa'...
* 3=huruf 'ain
zh= huruf zhal
dh= huruf dhodd
*Arabic class tomorrow; ustadh Djafer suruh solat dulu before datang & hari Khamis takde kelas Arabic
*InshaAllah Khamis malam Rabu akan ada eclipse from 8 pm- 2 am
*Kalau dah baca cerita kat bawah ni, bolehlah bawak apa2 makanan 'non-perishable' + clothes (dan sewaktu dengannya) to the masjid and donate to the homeless dalam dan luar negara. Makanan akan diberikan pada yang memerlukan this weekend so kalau boleh bawaklah sblm Jumaat inshaAllah. I'm sure we have a lot of food lying around, in cans etc that we can give away =) inshaAllah.
Where is Aisha today?
The Mother of Homeless in Chicago
By Abdul Malik Mujahid
It was almost 4 p.m. and Aisha knew exactly what she was going to do.
Living and working in downtown Chicago, it was part of her daily ritual: whatever money she had earned at work, every weekday, she would use for food.
Not for herself. But for the homeless.
She would prepare sandwiches, put them in two large grocery bags, then walk around the tall buildings in downtown Chicago giving them out to the poor and homeless who otherwise would be scratching the garbage baskets outside fast-food places, collecting bits of food.
Aisha didn't make just any kind of sandwiches though. She was well aware of the needs of the homeless and needy. She knew what was necessary for their diet, what was good and bad for their digestion, and what kind of food she had to make for them.
Eventually homeless people figured out where her apartment was and they would sometimes also come by. Her apartment building's management was not happy about it. But it was Allah's pleasure Aisha was after.
She was known among the Muslims in Chicago as the mother of the homeless. I did not know how long she had been a Muslim.
The first time I met her was when we were thinking of starting a soup kitchen to be run by Muslims in Chicago.
She came by Sound Vision for a meeting. A well-to-do Muslim engineer who himself had just came out of a homeless shelter, losing everything to his former wife, was also present. We were both pleasantly surprised about Aisha's level of knowledge about the food habits of homeless people.
But it seems, no one was there to make sandwiches for Aisha when she became homeless herself.
From helping the homeless to becoming homeless
How could a person go from helping the homeless to becoming homeless herself?
Masjids go up. Schools get built. World disasters attract donations. But we failed to get that soup kitchen up in Chicago.
Masjids were reluctant to give space for this project and the cost of renting a place in downtown, where the homeless are found, was prohibitive. And very few of us were interested. We lost contact with each other.
The next time I saw Aisha was at an Islamic center in Chicago. I was there to drop off my wife to the Quran class she used to conduct there.
I saw some worried faces in a corner of the busy hallway of the Islamic center. It was a Sunday around noon: the prime time of activities in Islamic centers: very busy, hectic, meetings, kids, phones, cell phones, hugging, kissing, shouts of 'Salam' and loudspeakers with lectures. But these faces in the corner were distinctly alone.
I was wondering about them when I spotted Aisha. "What are you doing here?" It took her a few minutes to recognize me and open up.
These people were waiting for Zakat committee members to see them and process their applications. The committee members were nowhere to be found. Weekend Islam is a difficult business.
To my surprise Aisha was homeless herself and was looking for a loan.
She needed it to pay a one month advance so she could rent an apartment. She had already secured a new job. She wanted to pay back that money to the Islamic center as soon as she earned it.
How Aisha Became Homeless
Here's what happened: Aisha had met a fellow Muslim who expressed an interest in her. They married and he convinced her to stop working. She did.
But her husband later left for Tableegh, never to return, leaving her penniless, and eventually homeless. The dilapidated apartment building which was their home was eventually closed down by the city of Chicago because of a number of violations.
Aisha was left with no money and no shelter. She was alone. She was homeless. She was in need.
How the mosque's Zakat committee failed her
As a Muslim, Aisha turned to the first Muslim institution that is supposed to help people in need: the Masjid.
When she came to the Masjid for help, thankfully, this was one of the mosques that had a Zakat committee in place to help Muslims who were in situations like Aisha's. This is also a Masjid with a net worth of over $4 million, so its administration was definitely in a financial position to help the needy.
But she received no money from the committee. She had filled out the Zakat committee's application form to get some financial assistance. This was her third visit to the Masjid. The committee had difficulty meeting.
I had no reason to not believe Aisha, the Mother of Homeless in Chicago. I knew the Masjid.
Sometimes I give Friday Khutba (sermon) there as well. I started looking for its leaders. I learned that the Zakat Committee people were not there. The poor people would have to come back again. I offered the leadership my personal guarantee. But nothing worked.
Sometimes systems and processes become inhumane without us meaning to make them like this. I felt I should never give Khutba there anymore. I remembered to be patient.
Personal donations helped her out
Aisha did eventually get back on her feet that day, with the help of some personal donations from Muslims who didn't have enough even for themselves, but did have the heart and compassion to help her out immediately. No wonder the lowest income group pays the highest proportion of their income in charity as compared to better off people in society. May Allah reward them with the best and give Barakah (blessing) in their livelihood.
There are at least four lessons we can learn from Aisha's sad and true story.
One: behind the homeless and the hungry person you see in America, the land of abundance and opportunity, is a human being who never had any intention of becoming destitute and needy.
Two: our Islamic institutions have failed to adequately provide for the needs of those who are truly destitute and in dire circumstances. There has to be an organized, discreet and systematic way to run Zakat committees and the distribution of these funds to those who need them. There has to be immediate follow through on each case where someone in need asks for assistance.
Three: Sister Aisha's knowledge of the homeless, experience, talents, and confidence should have given her a place in the leadership of the community so she could guide us in establishing these programs for the poor.
Four: Imams, presidents, or whoever is most available in Masjids should be authorized to disperse some Zakat funds immediately for urgent needs without the committee processes which are subject to erratic volunteerism.
How many others Aishas are out there?
Where is Aisha today?
How can we know? We failed her.
May Allah reward her wherever she is. Allah never fails His servants.
Nelson Templar, Frederick, Md - wrote on 10/22/2004 2:39:02 PM
Comment: It is sad that there are Muslims other than me going through this hardship. I know what Aisha is going through, I'm going through the same thing here in Maryland. It is never easy to be homeless, it is not something that we ask for. There are very little resources here to look upon for help. For example the homeless shelter here is only opened from the end of November to the first week in April. Then me and all of the other homeless are put back out on the street regardless of whatever weather may come. In the last two years that I have been homeless Not once has any member of the local Masjids ever given me any help. The christians who run the Soup Kitchen are more interested in getting people to convert than to help them get off the streets, the medical clinic next to the soup kitchen is only provided on a first come first serve basis, and the Hospital across town is more interested those who have money than to help us. So it is understandable that people who become homeless end up staying that way for a long time because there's no support to help us to Not be homeless
*Sometimes the ways in which we can help alleviate pain are so simple
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Assalamualaikum wrth, alhamdulillah kita dah kat dalam bulan Ramadhan nie, bulan al-quran. Sebut pasal quran, maybe ada antara kita yang ramai baca quran dan teringin nak baca quran dengan lagu. Alhamdulillah masa Awang kecik2 dulu, mak dan ayah ajar lagu, lepas tu start lah belajar tarannum quran nie dengan guru-guru tarannum yang hebat2 kat Kuching sampailah sebelum datang US. Dan tengah2 tu sebenarnya belajar jugak dengan mendengar kaset bacaan quran Hj. Ismail Hasyim. Allahyarham berasal dari Kelantan, dan tak silap Awang dia johan tilawah antarabangsa lebih 3 kali. Subhanallah, memang sedap sungguh bacaan dia. Dulu masa singgah Kelantan masa cuti tahun baru cina 2002, awang pergilah satu kdai buku nie, lalu terjumpalah VCD karaoke bacaan ismail hasyim nie... bukan main gembira lagi sebab boleh lah digital2 sikit. Tapi baru sebentar tadi kesempatan nak convert dia dlm real audio format. So, ada sesiapa yang berminat nak mendengar. Silalah download kat bawah nie. Selamat belajar.

Right Click and Save as
Hj. Ismail Hasyim - Al Imran 101 - 111
Hj. Ismail Hasyim - Al-Haj 1-10
Hj. Ismail Hasyim - Israel - 23-34
Hj. Ismail Hasyim - Israel 70-81
Update : Kalau takleh jugak download ikut link kat atas tu, download direct kat sini : Minta Maaf atas segala kesulitan.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Air mata...
Detik waktu bersama kelahiran seorang bayi dihiasi tangisan .Nyaring
berkumandang menyaring segala suara yang menyapa telinga ibu.Lonjak
hatinya memuncak gembira penawar sakit dan lesu. Lalu bermulalah
sebuah kehidupan yang mewarnai bumi berpenakan hati, berdakwatkan air
Air mata adakalanya penyubur hati,penawar duka. Adakalanya buih
kekecewaan yang menyempit perasaan , menyesak kehidupan. Air mata
seorang manusia hanyalah umpama air kotor diperlimpahan. Namun
setitis air mata kerana takutkan ALLAH persis permata indahnya
gemerlapan. Penghuni Syurga ialah mereka yang banyak dukacitanya di
Tidak berkumpul dua perkara dalam satu masa.Barangsiapa gembira di
dunia akan berdukacita di akhirat.Barangsiapa yang banyak dukacitanya
di dunia akan gembira di akhirat.
Pencinta dunia menangis kerana dunia yang hilang. Perindu akhirat
menangis kerana dunia yang datang.
Alangkah sempitnya kuburku,keluh seorang Abid.
Alangkah sedikitnya hartaku,kesal si hartawan.
Dari mata yang mengitai setiap kemewahan yang mulus penuh
rakus,mengalirlah air kecewa kegagalan. Dari mata yang redup merenung
Hari Akhirat yang dirasakan dekat, mengalirkan air mata insaf
mengharap kemenangan.
"Penghuni Syurga itulah orang-orang yang menang."
(al- Hasr: 20)
Tangis adalah basahan hidup,justeru:
Hidup dimulakan dengan tangis, dicelahi oleh tangis dan diakhiri
dengan tangis.Manusia sentiasa dalam dua tangisan.Sama ada yang
membawa untung atau merugikan.
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.
"Ada dua titisan yang ALLAH cintai,pertama titisan darah para Syuhada
dan titisan air mata yang jatuh kerana takutkan ALLAH."
Nabi Muhammad bersabda lagi :
"Tangisan seorang pendosa lebih ALLAH cintai daripada tasbih para
Oleh itu berhati-hatilah dalam tangisan,kerana ada tangisan yang akan
mengakibatkan diri menangis lebih lama dan ada tangisan yang membawa
bahagia untuk selama-lamanya. Seorang pendosa yang menangis kerana
dosa adalah lebih baik daripada Abid yang berangan-angan tentang
Syurga mana kelak ia akan bertakhta.
Nabi bersabda :
"Kejahatan yang diiringi oleh rasa sedih,lebih ALLAH sukai dari satu
kebaikan yang menimbulkan rasa takbur."
Ketawa yang berlebihan tanda lalai dan kejahilan. Ketawa seorang
ulamak dunia hilang ilmu, hilang wibawanya. Ketawa seorang jahil,
semakin keras hati dan perasaannya.
Nabi Muhammad bersabda :
"Jika kamu tahu apa yang aku tahu nescaya kamu banyak menangis dan
sedikit ketawa."
Seorang Hukama pernah bersyair :
"Aku hairan dan pelik,melihat orang ketawa kerana perkara-perkara
yang akan menyusahkan,lebih banyak daripada perkara yang
Salafussoleh menangis walaupun banyak beramal,takut-takut tidak
diterima ibadatnya,kita ketawa walaupun sedar diri kosong daripada
amalan. Lupakah kita Nabi pernah bersabda :
"Siapa yang berbuat dosa dalam ketawa,akan dicampakkan ke neraka
dalam keadaan menangis."
Kita gembira jika apa yang kita idamkan tercapai. Kita menangis kalau
yang kita cita-citakan terabai. Nikmat disambut ria, kedukaan
menjemput duka. Namun,Allah s.a.w. telah berfirman :
" Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu,padahal ia amat baik bagimu,dan
boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu,pada hal ianya amat buruk
bagimu. ALLAH mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui."
(AL BAQARAH : 216)
Bukankah Nabi pernah bersabda:
"Neraka dipagari nikmat,syurga dipagari bala."
Menangislah wahai diri,agar senyumanmu banyak di kemudian hari.
Kerana engkau belum tahu, nasibmu dipuak kanan atau dipuak kiri.Di
sana,lembaran sejarahmu dibuka satu persatu, menyemarakkan rasa malu
berabad-abad lamanya bergantung kepada syafaat Rasulullah yang
dikasihi Tuhan. Kenangilah, sungai-sungai yang mengalir itu banjiran
air mata Nabi Adam yang menangis bertaubat, maka suburlah dan
sejahteralah bumi kerana terangkatnya taubat. Menangislah seperti
Saidina Umar yang selalu memukul dirinya dengan berkata :
"Kalau semua masuk ke dalam syurga kecuali seorang, aku takut akulah
orang itu."
Menangislah sebagaimana Ummu Sulaim apabila ditanya :
"Kenapa engkau menangis?"
"Aku tidak mempunyai anak lagi untuk dihantar berperang,"jawabnya.
Menangislah sebagaimana Ghazwan yang tidak sengaja terpandang wanita
rupawan. Diharamkan matanya dari memandang ke langit seumur
hidup,lalu berkata :
"Sesungguhnya engkau mencari kesusahan dengan pandangan itu."
Ibnu Masud r.a.berkata :
"Seorang yang mengerti al Quran dikenali waktu malam ketika orang
lain tidur,dan waktu siangnya ketika orang lain tidak berpuasa,
sedihnya ketika orang lain sedang gembira dan tangisnya di waktu
orang lain tertawa. Diamnya di waktu orang lain berbicara, khusuknya
di waktu orang lain berbangga, seharusnya orang yang mengerti al
Quran itu tenang,lunak dan tidak boleh menjadi seorang yang keras,
kejam, lalai, bersuara keras dan marah.
Tanyailah orang-orang soleh mengapa dia tidak berhibur :
"Bagaimana hendak bergembira sedangkan mati itu di belakang
kami,kubur di hadapan kami,kiamat itu janjian kami,neraka itu memburu
kami dan perhentian kami ialah ALLAH."
Menangislah di sini,sebelum menangis di sana!!!.............
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
five before five: your youth before your old age
bismillahirahmanirahim.. taken from part of an email from my dear friend who has moved away to Texas, Shazia Ahmad
Those of you in the MSA: You are at suchhhhhhhhhhh an
awesome time in your lives; the MSA is the vehicle by
which you can do so much good - for the Muslim
community and for educating non-Muslims. I've heard
from so many people who go off into the work force
after college that they miss MSA the most.
Opportunities for educating people about Islam, for
doing things for the ummah are so greatly constricted
after college. Arsalan told me about how once at the
masjid he went to the mic to make the adhan, and this
older bro came up to him and asked him, pleaaaassee
let me make the adhan. You have so much opportunity
at your age, in college, to do good deeds and to gain
'ajr, and I don't have any. I need to get reward in
whatever way I can. Please let me make the adhan.
Take advantage of your time and your youth and your
passion for this deen.. before you become like that
old man, thirsty for any opportunity to gain even just
a small good deed, because you know you missed out
when you were younger.
Friday, October 15, 2004
MSA National Wishes Students in North America a Blessed Ramadan
1 Ramadan 1425 A.H. - 15 October 2004 C.E.
The Executive Committee of the Muslim Students Association National would like to extend its most sincere greetings to all of you for a blessed Ramadan. Based on reported crescent sighting in Austin, Texas by two witnesses, the Islamic Shura Council of North America and the Fiqh Council of North America have declared Friday, October 15th the first day of Ramadan.
While most of us are actively engaged in Islamic activism and consumed with fulfilling our responsibilities as full-time students, it is crucial that we take time aside this month to reflect on the purpose of our temporary existence in this world. We humbly remind ourselves and our brothers and sisters that a life that is heedless of its inevitable end and of the soul’s ultimate return to its Creator is a life that is not worth living. As Allah swt says in 23:115 of the Holy Quran, “Did you really think that We created in vain and that you would not return to Us?” Let us take this month as a great opportunity to reaffirm our faith, renew our intentions and come closer to the Creator of the heavens and earth through prayer, fasting and supplementary acts of worship. “My servant draws close to Me with nothing more beloved to Me than that which I have made obligatory for them…” [Bukhari]
Furthermore, while we will observe Ramadan without much difficulties, God-willing, it is crucial that we remember the suffering and turmoil that inflicts our brothers and sisters both here at home and in other parts of the Muslim world. The Executive Committee would like to urge Muslims to make special efforts at making du’a for all of those experiencing hardships. We ask you to make du'a to Allah (swt) to grant freedom to all prisoners of conscience, detainees held without evidence or charge and Ahmed Abu Ali, a 23-year-old American-born citizen, who has been held in Saudi Arabia for over 14 months without charges. We ask you to make du'a to Allah (swt) to shelter, clothe, feed and most importantly, remove all injustices from our beloved brothers and sisters in Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Chechnya, Gujarat, Kashmir and all around the world. We ask you to make du’a to Allah (swt) to strengthen the faith and unity of the Muslim students who struggle throughout the year to serve the needs of Muslims on campus.
Finally, to assist you in maximizing the benefits of the blessed month of Ramadan, we leave you with the advice of one of our esteemed scholars, Imam Zaid Shakir:
“We encourage the believers to read through the Qur’an at least once. Those who can read the Arabic script should do so in Arabic, even if they do not fully understand what they are reading. They should also try to read through the English translation. Those who are unable to read Arabic, should try to read through the entire English translation. Ramadan is, among other things, a celebration of the Qur’an. We should join the celebration by reading the Book of God much during this blessed month. Our Imams, Abu Hanifa, Malik, al-Shafi’i, and others, May God have Mercy on them all, would cease teaching Hadith and Jurisprudence during Ramadan and devote themselves exclusively to the Qur’an.
God says, concerning His Majestic Book: The Month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an was revealed, a guidance for mankind, [containing] clear proofs of guidance, and the criterion of distinguishing right from wrong. Al-Qur’an 2:185
We encourage all of the believers to refrain from all of the ruinations of the tongue during Ramadan. In his seminal work, “Quickening the Religious Sciences,” Imam al-Ghazali mentions them as the following:
a) Speaking in matters that do not concern one.
b) Excessive speech.
c) Speaking about sinful matters.
d) Disputation and contestation.
e) Argumentation.
f) Excessively embellished speech.
g) Lewd, insulting, or crude speech.
h) Invoking the Curse of God on someone
i) Singing indecent songs, or relating immoral poetry.
j) Excessive joking.
k) Sarcasm and ridicule.
l) Revealing secrets.
m) False promises.
n) Lying and false oaths.
o) Backbiting and slander.
p) Instigating tense relations between people.
q) Being two-faced.
r) Praising someone who is either undeserving, or unable to remain humble when praised.
s) Speaking about involved subjects and ideas one lacks the necessary knowledge or eloquence to adequately convey.
t) Ordinary folk speaking in subjects that are the domain of specialists.
May God spare us from these ruinations both during and after Ramadan.
The Prophet, Peace and Blessing of Almighty God be upon Him, said: “Whoever fails to leave off ruinous speech, and acting on it [during Ramadan], God does not need him to leave off eating and drinking.” Al-Bukari.
We encourage the believers to avoid all arguments, disputes, and unnecessary worldly entanglements during this blessed month. This is a time for deep devotion and dedication to Allah.
We encourage the believers to work to restore any severed relations or kinship ties they may be experiencing. This is a time when the gentle breezes of Divine Facilitation are blowing. Any good we endeavor during this blessed month will come to bear its proper fruits, Insha Allah.
We encourage all of the believers to eat simply during this month. One should try to make a vow to give up unnecessary, and generally unhealthy fare during this blessed month. Pizza, ice cream, fast food, pastries, and soda should all go. We should make our solidarity with our suffering brothers and sisters in other lands real, and not something confined to speeches and pamphlets.
If one is in the habit of watching television, or listening to commercial music, one should also try to give these things up for Ramadan. They are things that divert us from the remembrance of God in any case. During this special month when every letter we recite from the Majestic Qur’an is tremendously rewarded, we should busy ourselves with recitation, and drop other pastimes.”
We ask Allah (swt) to accept all of our fasting and our acts of worship during this blessed month. We pray that our actions during this month serve to elevate our status on the Day when there will be no Shade but His.
Your MSA National Officers,
Ex-officio: Lina Hashem
President: Hadia Mubarak
Vice President of the USA: Faisal Ghori
Vice President of Canada: Mohamed Sheibani
Treasurer: Eman Hassaballa
East Zone Canada Rep: Nadir Shirazi
East Zone US Rep: Ahmed Sidky
Central Zone US Rep: Omar Zakaria
West Zone Canada Rep: Ladan Davallow
Dawah TF: Sanjana Ahmad
Education & Training TF: Sarah Islam and Idris El-Bakri
Information Technology TF: Ali Mansuri
Media and Communications TF: Saba Alvi
Muslim Accommodations TF: Shaheen Kazi
Political Action TF: Jordan Robinson
Programs TF: Nada Unus
Office Manager: Iman Muttardy
Office Specialist: Mary Khaliqi
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Welcome O thou bountiful breeze!
Bismillahi rahmani rahim
Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin
wassolatu wassalamu 'ala rasulillah
wa'ala aalihi wasohbihi wasallam
Before I even started writing this, I receive news from my friends, that it is true indeed, Ramadhan has again arrived. Alhamdulillah.
A few hours earlier, as I was sitting in the masjid with my dearest sisters, I thought, subhanAllah, it already feels like Ramadhan. The spirit, the yearning to do more good, the feeling that syaitan somehow isn't here anymore.. subhanAllah.. walhamdulilllah.. it felt so much like Ramadhan. While during the year, most of the time the saf for the sisters is rarely full, tonight, it was full. A full one saff. And sisters whom I haven't seen for a long time, they were there. What joy it was for me to see them there, as I am sure they were happy to see me and everyone else there.
To add to that, the minute I stepped in, our beloved imam Djafer was speaking to a sister. I sensed she was crying, but I immediately walked into the musolla. I later learned from Gjie that she had just said shahadah.. SubhanAllah =). Truly, it felt at that time, like so many blessings were already rolling down from the samaawaat. - The way that Ramadhan is the month of mercy, forgiveness, and freedon from hellfire. Alhamdulillah ya Allah.
The first time I met this new sister, I was at Walmart with Huma. We were paying for our stuff and the sister was the cashier that day and she started talking to us about Islam and her family.. subhanAllah, who would've known that today, she would be part of my family. Truly, only Allah knows what is hidden and what is manifest. Truly, only He knows who among our acquaintances today will be beloved servants of His tomorrow.
What else? Ah, truly there are many more blessings that came down tonight that I didn't see because of my veiled heart. My breath, my eyes, my brain.. and that He allowed me to take those valuable steps towards the masjid when He knows how terrible and lazy I am.. Thank You Allah for allowing and making me and all the brothers and sisters who go to the masjid to take those steps. May those steps be light for us, above, below, to our sides, surrounding us, whitening our faces, to be light and guidance for people in this world, and to be perfected that light on yaumul Qiyamah.
"Who is he that will Loan to Allah a beautiful loan? for ((Allah)) will increase it manifold to his credit, and he will have (besides) a liberal Reward.
One Day shalt thou see the believing men and the believing women- how their Light runs forward before them and by their right hands: (their greeting will be): "Good News for you this Day! Gardens beneath which flow rivers! to dwell therein for aye! This is indeed the highest Achievement!"
One Day will the Hypocrites- men and women - say to the Believers: "Wait for us! Let us borrow (a Light) from your Light!" It will be said: "Turn ye back to your rear! then seek a Light (where ye can)!" So a wall will be put up betwixt them, with a gate therein. Within it will be Mercy throughout, and without it, all alongside, will be (Wrath and) Punishment!"
(Al Hadid 11-13)
Thank You, Allah, for giving us this window of opportunity to come nearer to You, every year - when our worst enemy, shaitan, is chained. Thank You, Allah, for opening the gates of heaven so we could try and smell it with our rusty hearts. May You grant us, in this month, forgiveness, mercy, and freedom from hellfire. Truly Your wrath and hellfire, are the worst place and situations to be in.
Thank You, ya Allah.
Welcome, welcome, o beloved month! At last, you have come to grace us again! and thank You Allah for allowing us to again feel this long needed breeze of Mercy from You.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Monday, October 04, 2004
Bismillahi rahmani rahim
Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin
wassolatu wassalamu 'ala rasulillah
Allahumma nsuril islaama wa almuslimiin
Flower of Cities – the Brothers Rahbani
For you, city of prayer, I say my prayers,
For you with your graceful mansions, oh flower of cities,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, city op prayer.
Towards you our eyes travel every day.
Wandering through the temple’s porticos,
Embracing the ancient churches,
And wiping the tears from the mosques.
Oh night of the nightly journey,
Oh path which led up to the heavens,
Towards you our eyes travel each day, and I pray.
The child in the cave and his mother Mary:
Two weeping faces,
For those who were scattered,
For homeless children,
For those who defended and were martyred at the gates.
Peace was martyred in the land of peace.
Justice fell by the gates.
The child in the cave and his mother Mary:
Two weeping faces, I pray.
The red-hot anger is coming; I am filled with faith.
The red-hot anger is coming; I will pass by sorrow.
Coming by every road, on steeds of terror,
And like God’s immanent face; coming, coming, coming.
The gate of our city will not be closed,
I will go there to pray.
I will knock on the gates and I will open the gates.
You, river Jordan, will wash my face with holy water,
You, river Jordan, will erase the barbarian footprints.
The red-hot heat is coming, on steeds of terror.
The face of power will be struck down.
To us belongs the house, to us belongs Jerusalem,
And by our hands we will restore Jerusalem’s glow,
By our hands peace will come to Jerusalem.
*** Samarra, Beslan, Gaza, Jabaliya, Falujah, ........
Allahumma nsuril islaama wa almuslimiin
Friday, October 01, 2004
What a Healing
Poem by Aaron Haroon Sellars
I wanted to
run away
But You
made me stay
By Your overwhelming
You washed
this sinful face
With tears of
Turning to pearls
as they droppped
Penetrating meanings
hard to be stopped
Oh what a healing
the Chosen One!
Who liberated the
frozen one
Constricted by sin
now I laugh and I grin
Amazed at this gift
from a Lord so Great
Who has given me this lift
in spite of my state.
Written after the Akhdari Class with Shaykh Salek, Zaytuna Institute, 6/12/03
From Seasons. Autumn-Winter Reflections 2003-2004.